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Welcome to The Ultimate First Time Buyer Guide, brought to you by The Homebuyer Coach.
Firstly, congratulations on making a positive step towards buying your new home. The thought of buying may seem out of reach. That's why taking the time to properly prepare and make a clear plan is even more important!
The Ultimate First Time Buyer Guide was created to help get you in the best position possible for buying your new home.
We'll go through all things homebuying, from saving your deposit to viewing properties to collecting your keys.
I've tried to cover as many topics as possible in the guide, such as:
- The buying process
- Mortgage basics
- Deposit
- Savings tips
- Financial health
- Budget planner
- Credit score
- Affordability
- Moving costs
- Finding the right home
- Agreement in principle
- Purchasing methods
- Freehold/leasehold
- Where to find a property
- Questions to ask on viewings
- Making an offer
- Property chain
- Submitting the mortgage
- Valuation/survey
- Conveyancing
- Insurance